Bill Scharr
18 years of service
My name is Bill Schaar from the Richmond Stone Center. And my favorite memories of Luck, working at Luck Stone 18 years was Christmas. At Christmas I was able to coordinate with the Toys for Tots for the locations in Richmond. But the most important part was on the day before, I would put the sign for a drop off at the Lucks Stone Center in Richmond. I would call Mr. Luck and advise him that I was putting out the sign, and he would say, "Bill, I will let Mrs. Luck know." The next day I would put up the sign, and by noon that day, an SUV would pull up, back into the front of the Stone Center, and Mrs. Luck would have it packed with toys to begin our campaign, and I will never forget it. She was always the first customer for Toys for Tots at the Richmond Stone Center.